How should you build your brand online to get noticed and understood? Through content marketing. Knowing its ins and outs makes it much easier to reach your audience in the virtual world.
At the outset, it is important to determine what characteristics the excellent content we put online should have. Firstly, it is easy to find and secondly, it will be useful to the reader, i.e. it will meet their needs. Nowadays, reaching the customer is an art of combining and then using the skills of the publisher and the marketer. It is all about the following through content: building an image, winning customers and gaining their loyalty.
At the heart of content marketing is winning the Zero Moment of Truth. This consists of nothing less than fighting for the consumer, not only through traditional advertising, but also through content disseminated online. The consumer, after seeing an advertisement in traditional media, starts his or her 'shopping' by comparing products, prices and opinions on the Internet. This is where we come to the core of the Zero Moment of Truth. When the product or service we advertise performs equally well in the virtual world, the consumer's decision to buy our item will be sustained.
Excellent content
In order to create the right content, we need to answer the questions: who are our audiences? what are they looking for on the internet? what unique values can we provide them with? And most importantly: what makes us stand out from the competition? It is also important that the company has a higher purpose. One that helps, entertains, inspires and makes life easier.
All the tips mentioned earlier will not be helpful if we do not find our own style of expression that makes us stand out in the information noise. When creating content aimed at an online audience, we should focus on ensuring that our message is structured in such a way that it does not exhaust the audience. It should: entertain, educate, fascinate, inspire and, above all, be written by people for people.
Text author: Asia
Source: B. Stawarz, Content marketing w: E-marketing. Contemporary Trends. Starter Pack, Academic editors J. Królewski, P. Sala, PWN Scientific Publishers, Warsaw 2014, pp. 255-261.