Creating the image of a person or company. See what media and web image creation is

Corporate image creation
Image creation is a long-term process aimed at increasing recognition and creating a specific image of a company or person in the public mind.By taking care of its image in the media or on the web, a company can increase its brand recognition and thus reach and convince more potential customers of its services or products. This also applies to those who will gain recognition by opting for this move. We explain the other benefits of branding and how to carry out the entire process correctly.Find out how a professional agency can take care of your or your company's image

  • The correct creation of a company's image affects its financial performance.
  • Creating a media image helps shape the brand image in the eyes of customers and business partners.
  • Just as important as creating an image externally is building the image of the company within the organisation itself.
  • Creating a personal image will help achieve professional success and enhance the reputation and recognition of the individual.

What is corporate branding and what does it do?

Corporate image creation is a process aimed at creating a specific image of a company in the eyes of its employees, contractors, customers and those who come into contact with the brand in any way. There are several reasons why company managers opt for this long-term activity that brings tangible business results. First and foremost, the right creating the company's image allows to increase the volume and value of sales the services or products it offers.

This is done, among other things, by reaching new customers. It is about people who do not yet know about the brand but, thanks to its presentation and media presence, have the opportunity to come across it. This is an effective, but not the only way to achieve better sales results. Sales can also be increased by persuading audiences who have already been exposed to a company, but have not decided on its offer, to choose specific products or services. All the more so as high brand recognition and reputation will induce them to buy the company's services or products even at a higher price.

Creating an image translates into an improvement in a company's financial situation not only as a result of increased sales. We are talking, for example, about finding investors. Crowdfunding, or crowdfunding, is an increasingly popular way of raising funds. This process requires a company to present its brand and its capabilities to potential investors and thus encourage them to buy shares.

A good example of effective corporate image creation in the context of crowdfunding is the success of Mazurska Manufaktura Alkoholi. The PR activities we carried out brought the company PLN 2.54 million from over 1,000 shareholders. Thanks to the funds raised, it was able to open a new brewery, launch new products and successfully implement further share issues. The communication campaign was such a success that it was awarded a Bronze Paperclip in the financial PR and investor relations category.


A company that is able to present itself well ceases to be anonymous. Marking its presence on the market builds confidence not only in the final recipients of products or services, but also in the eyes of other companies. Appropriate branding also facilitates contact with B2B counterparties. The company becomes more credible in the eyes of potential business partners, and this can translate directly into subsequent multi-track business development.

Internal image of the company

The reasons cited above were only for creating a company's external image. There is also the concept of internal image. This is about the way a company is perceived by its employees. Companies choose to create an internal corporate image in order to increase the satisfaction and loyalty of their employees and to create a vision of the company as a place worth working for. Moreover, an employee who respects his or her company is a true brand ambassadorso it is worth devoting resources to creating a company image in his eyes.

What is personal image creation?

Creating a personal image is similar in its objectives to creating a corporate image. In this case, too, it is about creating a certain image in the eyes of others. The only difference is that it is about the image of individuals, rather than entire companies or institutions. The attention of the audience is to be focused on a specific character, so the methods are chosen specifically for this purpose and the message is directed towards presenting the person.

In these situations it works expert positioning. The person whose image is created is put in the role of an expert in a particular field. By means of comments or interviews, the knowledge, abilities and achievements of a specific person are highlighted.


Creating a personal image does not exclude the possibility of creating a corporate image. What is more: the two concepts complement each other perfectly. The image of an expert in a particular field translates into increased trust in the company where the expert is employed. In turn, a person who has gained experience in companies with a market reputation in his or her lifetime finds it easier to gain the trust of the public and thus to position himself or herself.

An example of this synergy and a person with one of the most distinctive images in business was Steve Jobs with Apple. He was seen as a visionary and a revolutionary in technology, which directly translated into the consumer perception of the Apple brand. The Cupertino giant's products became a symbol of innovation and represented the most fashionable trends. In turn, a good example of having a recognisable image in Poland is Jerzy Owsiak. His characteristic, colourful clothes and red spectacle frames are probably known to every resident of the country on the Vistula. They complete the image of an altruist who devotes his life to helping others by organising the activities of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.

What does creating a media image look like?

There are many ways to create a media image. This is professionally handled by PR agencies, among others. A basic prerequisite for the successful presentation of a company, person or brand in the public and media consciousness is the maintenance of permanent and good relations with journalists. It is they who have the opportunity to shape public opinion through the content they create and publish.

Creating a media image

In addition to arranging unique texts, one of the basic methods of reaching the media is the preparation of press releases. These are short pieces of material that journalists receive ready for publication or further development. They allow the media to keep the public informed about events related to the company or its products. Press releases are usually placed in press office companies and are sent by agencies to selected media outlets.


Another way to present yourself to the market is to attend industry conferences as a speaker. This allows you to draw the attention of the environment to a particular person or brand. It is also worth considering entering specialised and prestigious competitions that identify the best brands and professionals. It is through such activities and by assuming the role of an expert in the media that you build your reputation.

Engaging in CSR activities is also a good way to showcase a company. Corporate social responsibility is a concept whereby companies and corporations commit themselves to solving social or environmental problems through their actions. One CSR action worth mentioning is the support of Dr Clown Foundation by the largest alternative postal operator. Speedmail generated the Foundation's logo on a map of selected Polish cities using a postal system. In doing so, it drew attention to its noble activities and encouraged people to donate 1 per cent of their tax to its aims.

Another example of CSR activities is Good One PR's cyclical participation in the Noble Parcel. We invite our clients to join the campaign and, together with them, every year we prepare sizeable parcels for families in need. In 2020, we were able to support a mother with four children.

Ways to create an online image

The business card of any company on the web is its website. It is its headquarters in cyberspace and the primary place from where potential customers, contractors or journalists learn about the enterprise. A term inextricably linked to the website and the creation of an image on the web is positioning. It is about the process of optimising search results so that the expected page appears high in the results shown by the search engine.

creating a media image

Having a well-made business card on Google is just as important as having your own website. It is the place where potential customers can find out basic information about a company such as its address, opening hours or a photo of the premises. It is also the page where other users give their ratings and thus encourage or discourage them to use the services or purchase goods.

Intranet traffic does not just rest on the shoulders of corporate websites and search engines. Equally important for creating an online image is the proper maintenance of social media profiles. It is a simple and convenient way to present your brand and connect with your audience. Social media agencies specialise in these tasks. One of the most important principles when creating a social media image is to consistently and thoughtfully build and maintain a community gathered around the company.

Running social media does not just focus on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. Depending on the industry in which the company operates, it is worth taking care of those that are particularly important for a specific industry. A good example is the Tripadvisor portal used by the HoReCa industry.

See what professionals like Social Lama can offer your business.

When creating websites or social media profiles and then developing the content posted there, attention should be paid to a consistent visual identity. When the recipient sees the form in which the content is given, they should already know who is responsible for the post or entry. It is a mistake to use different or contradictory messages in different media channels. The content and form of the messages sent should correspond to each other, so that recipients will remember more quickly and correctly identify their creator, and the overall message will gain in credibility.

Creating an image is a lengthy process, but one that results in many benefits. If you want to entrust it to professionals, then contact us.