Pandemic a test of solidarity for family businesses

Business cooperation as joint venture partnership project tiny person concept. Common work to do together with collaboration, partnership and teamwork vector illustration. Professional skills trust.

The coronavirus pandemic has left many family businesses facing an uncertain future and even visions of bankruptcy. At the same time, it is in difficult times that the unique characteristics of family businesses become a recipe for survival. Family businesses are one of the cornerstones of the global economy - it is, after all, the oldest way of doing business we know[1]. Despite this, over the past few years... Continue reading Pandemia sprawdzianem z solidarności dla rodzinnych firm

PR in the post-COVID era: emotion, quality, speed and flexibility

Although the pandemic has caused a crisis in many industries, it - properly exploited - is an opportunity to review existing solutions and develop new ones. According to the speakers of the conference PR 2021: Challenge accepted! organised by the Association of Public Relations Companies, this is a good time for the PR industry to develop. However, it is necessary to introduce changes in communication, methods of creating strategies and the way of building... Continue reading PR w erze post-COVID: emocje, jakość, szybkość i elastyczność

Credibility is key: placing the expert in the media

Confident focused businesswoman vlogger talking to camera filming live business vlog concept, friendly female coach advertising online training speaking about success recording video blog in office

An expert for the media is not only a specialist in a specific field. He or she is also a person who is able to convey his or her knowledge in a way that is comprehensible to the audience. What does the process of building an expert's image in the media look like and what should we pay attention to in this aspect of cooperation between a PR specialist and a journalist? Let's start with who an expert is. It is a person who specialises in... Continue reading Wiarygodność to podstawa, czyli o plasowaniu eksperta w mediach

Creativity in PR. Where to look for inspiration?

A light pen, communicativeness and openness, a desire for continuous development, initiative and commitment - these are requirements that regularly appear in all kinds of job advertisements for the position of PR specialist. Very often there is one more requirement among them - creativity. It is thanks to this that creating the image of clients is not just a duplication of schemes, but the building of communication strategies,... Continue reading Kreatywność w PR. Gdzie szukać inspiracji?

Do startups need PR?

Mans hand drawing Startup concept on white notebook

A laser for cutting sausages for the barbecue and a pocket laboratory for detecting bacteria and viruses, what do they have in common? Both ideas are the work of Polish start-ups, both have been covered by the media, although the former definitely more so. How to ensure that a startup is not just a media curiosity and use PR activities to achieve long-term business goals? The media are governed by their own... Continue reading Czy startupom potrzebny jest PR?

Public relations for new technologies - how to work with IT journalists?

Cheerful student in red hair showing funny notification on smartphone to friend during break.Positive architect with eyewear laughing holding telephone in hand sitting at desktop with laptop

The constant increase in value and considerable competition in the IT market means that more and more companies in this sector of the economy are deciding to launch public relations activities. For this reason, the group of media dealing with this industry is becoming increasingly important. How to cooperate with them so that all parties benefit? According to PMR analysts, the Polish... Continue reading Public Relations dla nowych technologii – jak współpracować z dziennikarzami IT?

What lies ahead for the PR industry in 2020? Summary and forecasts

The start of a new year is a good time to focus on industry forecasts, as well as to reflect on the successes and challenges of the past 12 months. In 2019, we have seen internal changes and a further maturation of the PR industry itself. One significant development in this context is the new formula and development of the PSPR, which aims to effectively integrate... Continue reading Co czeka branżę PR w 2020 roku? Podsumowanie i prognozy

Good One PR creates its next Noble Parcel

Supporting local initiatives, environmental activities or charity campaigns are just some of the CSR activities undertaken by Polish companies. We have become involved in the Szlachetna Paczka (Noble Parcel) campaign for another year in a row. We also invited our customers to join the campaign. What was the result? Answer below. Corporate social responsibility activities not only support the solution of specific social problems, but... Continue reading Good One PR tworzy swoją kolejną Szlachetną Paczkę

Creative consignments - how to do it right?

Many factors influence the effectiveness and efficiency of collaboration with influencers. Starting with the individual relationship with a given blogger, the budget and the right selection of the profile to the specifics of the product, service or brand. One of the most important issues, often overlooked, is the way in which products or services are communicated to the influencer. We are talking about the so-called creative delivery, which is often 'creative' in name only. And attractive ... Continue reading Przesyłki kreatywne – jak robić to dobrze?

How do you properly create a company name?

The name is one of the most important elements of a company's identification system, which not only allows it to stand out from other similar entities, but also co-creates the brand image. A good name, supported by appropriate marketing activities, can guarantee a company's success. The name is often said to be the shortest advertising slogan. That is why it should be understandable, unambiguous and easy to... Continue reading Jak odpowiednio stworzyć nazwę firmy?