Public relations for new technologies - how to work with IT journalists?

Cheerful student in red hair showing funny notification on smartphone to friend during break.Positive architect with eyewear laughing holding telephone in hand sitting at desktop with laptop

The constant increase in value and considerable competition in the IT market means that more and more companies in this sector of the economy are deciding to launch public relations activities. For this reason, the group of media dealing with this industry is becoming increasingly important. How to cooperate with them so that all parties benefit? According to PMR analysts, the Polish... Continue reading Public Relations dla nowych technologii – jak współpracować z dziennikarzami IT?

Marketing? Focus on values

Marketing concept drawn on a notepad placed on a desk

Gone are the days when marketing efforts were focused solely on the product or consisted only of informing potential customers about a company's offering. Today, companies wishing to win the hearts of consumers should focus entirely on... people. In value marketing, a company's task is to get to know its customers, their needs, desires and concerns as well as possible, all in order to reach... Continue reading Marketing? Postaw na wartości

Who rules the internet? - summary of the media market over the past year

Torn piece of scroll uncovering 2017 review

In Poland, video advertising and video content reaches more than 20 million consumers[1]. The year 2017 ranked this form of content delivery as the leader. However, trends, i.e.: temporary content, influencer relations and an emphasis on reliable and quality messages, also made their strong mark. It is now time to take a closer look at the media market in 2017 and the projected... Continue reading Kto rządzi Internetem? – podsumowanie rynku mediowego na przestrzeni minionego roku