Do startups need PR?

Mans hand drawing Startup concept on white notebook

A laser for cutting sausages for the barbecue and a pocket laboratory for detecting bacteria and viruses, what do they have in common? Both ideas are the work of Polish start-ups, both have been covered by the media, although the former definitely more so. How to ensure that a startup is not just a media curiosity and use PR activities to achieve long-term business goals? The media are governed by their own... Continue reading Czy startupom potrzebny jest PR?

Generation Z and PR activities

A new generation is entering the market, and soon they will be the ones deciding the style of a company's communication with consumers - we are talking about Generation Z, born in the age of mobile Internet and social media. Generation Z, unlike Generation Y, does not know life without the Internet. Ever since they were born, their analogue world has seamlessly blended with the digital world, giving life an unfamiliar... Continue reading Generacja Z a działania PR-owe

What after AVE, or how to reliably measure PR activities?

It is part and parcel of a PR professional's job to constantly improve their competence. Only by doing so are we able to ensure that the actions we take are effective and tailored to the needs of our clients. We also cannot ignore important industry discussions which may have an impact on the entire PR market in Poland. This is why on Friday, 15 September, the entire Good... Continue reading Co po AVE, czyli jak rzetelnie mierzyć działania PR?