A brand ambassador - do you need one for your business? Find out what it takes and how to find a brand ambassador!

A brand ambassador is usually associated with a celebrity appearing in a company's advertising, but the responsibilities of such a person can be much broader. The role of brand ambassador is not just played by celebrities or stars, but also by specialists in a particular field and even ordinary people. Who is a brand ambassador and what are the benefits of having one? Read more... Continue reading Ambasador marki – czy jest potrzebny Twojej firmie? Sprawdź, czym się zajmuje oraz jak znaleźć ambasadora marki!

Real estate PR - fashion or necessity?

A consciously and consistently developed image ensures companies' existence in the minds of customers, potential business partners or employees, and translates into business results. In today's highly competitive market, it plays a special role. That is why companies, regardless of the sector in which they operate, should consistently build a positive image. This also applies to developers and... Continue reading PR na rynku nieruchomości – moda czy konieczność?

What is important in working with bloggers?

Blogs have already become an integral part of ePR. It is becoming increasingly common that they have greater reach and impact than typical electronic media, so it is worth bearing in mind a few simple rules for working with bloggers. There are no perfect guidelines when it comes to the topic of blogs, but remembering a few of the points we raise below will certainly prove to be of future... Continue reading Co jest ważne we współpracy z blogerami?