How do you properly create a company name?

The name is one of the most important elements of a company's identification system, which not only allows it to stand out from other similar entities, but also co-creates the brand image. A good name, supported by appropriate marketing activities, can guarantee a company's success. The name is often said to be the shortest advertising slogan. That is why it should be understandable, unambiguous and easy to... Continue reading Jak odpowiednio stworzyć nazwę firmy?

Marketing? Focus on values

Marketing concept drawn on a notepad placed on a desk

Gone are the days when marketing efforts were focused solely on the product or consisted only of informing potential customers about a company's offering. Today, companies wishing to win the hearts of consumers should focus entirely on... people. In value marketing, a company's task is to get to know its customers, their needs, desires and concerns as well as possible, all in order to reach... Continue reading Marketing? Postaw na wartości

What after AVE, or how to reliably measure PR activities?

It is part and parcel of a PR professional's job to constantly improve their competence. Only by doing so are we able to ensure that the actions we take are effective and tailored to the needs of our clients. We also cannot ignore important industry discussions which may have an impact on the entire PR market in Poland. This is why on Friday, 15 September, the entire Good... Continue reading Co po AVE, czyli jak rzetelnie mierzyć działania PR?