A brand ambassador - do you need one for your business? Find out what it takes and how to find a brand ambassador!

A brand ambassador is usually associated with a celebrity appearing in a company's advertising, but the responsibilities of such a person can be much broader. The role of brand ambassador is not just played by celebrities or stars, but also by specialists in a particular field and even ordinary people. Who is a brand ambassador and what are the benefits of having one? Read more... Continue reading Ambasador marki – czy jest potrzebny Twojej firmie? Sprawdź, czym się zajmuje oraz jak znaleźć ambasadora marki!

Communication in a crisis - what to do and what to avoid like hell?

A crisis situation is a natural part of the functioning of an organisation and can happen every day. Unfortunately, a large proportion of companies underestimate the role of crisis in their PR communication. Meanwhile, the way a company communicates with its environment at this time can have a huge impact on its image, market share and the future of the managers in charge. A crisis in an organisation can be caused by... Continue reading Komunikacja w kryzysie – co robić, a czego unikać jak ognia?