CSR? It pays off!

The implementation of the concept of corporate social responsibility in enterprises may not yet be as popular in Poland as it is abroad, but all companies that decide to implement good CSR practices are aware of the measurable benefits that such activities bring. The basic benefit, regardless of which group of stakeholders CSR activities are implemented towards, is the building of good... Continue reading CSR? To się opłaca!

Good One PR creates its next Noble Parcel

Supporting local initiatives, environmental activities or charity campaigns are just some of the CSR activities undertaken by Polish companies. We have become involved in the Szlachetna Paczka (Noble Parcel) campaign for another year in a row. We also invited our customers to join the campaign. What was the result? Answer below. Corporate social responsibility activities not only support the solution of specific social problems, but... Continue reading Good One PR tworzy swoją kolejną Szlachetną Paczkę