Who rules the internet? - summary of the media market over the past year

Torn piece of scroll uncovering 2017 review

In Poland, video advertising and video content reaches more than 20 million consumers[1]. The year 2017 ranked this form of content delivery as the leader. However, trends, i.e.: temporary content, influencer relations and an emphasis on reliable and quality messages, also made their strong mark. It is now time to take a closer look at the media market in 2017 and the projected... Continue reading Kto rządzi Internetem? – podsumowanie rynku mediowego na przestrzeni minionego roku

What after AVE, or how to reliably measure PR activities?

It is part and parcel of a PR professional's job to constantly improve their competence. Only by doing so are we able to ensure that the actions we take are effective and tailored to the needs of our clients. We also cannot ignore important industry discussions which may have an impact on the entire PR market in Poland. This is why on Friday, 15 September, the entire Good... Continue reading Co po AVE, czyli jak rzetelnie mierzyć działania PR?