Body language in the work of a PR professional. Knowledge of non-verbal communication the key to success?

Portrait of business people sitting at desk and shaking hands.

Dealing with clients, business partners, journalists, giving speeches, presentations... All of this requires many skills from PR agency employees. As it turns out, in addition to communicativeness or effective negotiation, it is also worth learning the importance of body language. Having knowledge of non-verbal communication can be very useful in professional life. Contrary to many opinions, verbal communication is only a small part of... Continue reading Mowa ciała w pracy PR-owca. Znajomość komunikacji niewerbalnej kluczem do sukcesu?

Are you applying for a job in PR? Don't lie!

When going for a job interview, everyone tries to appear as good as possible - this is obvious. Unfortunately, some candidates deceive recruiters by extending their actual length of service, others brag about experience they don't have. Does this behaviour make sense? Of course not. People who apply for a job at a PR agency should have certain predispositions. These include. Continue reading Starasz się o pracę w PR? Nie kłam!