Internet users have increasingly high expectations regarding the way information is communicated, which is why video messages received particular attention in communication in 2016. As every year, social media played a big role, having the largest share in publicising social actions and social protests. In the past year, brands also engaged more frequently in cooperation with influencers, resulting in interesting campaigns and social actions. In turn, the PR industry broke with the salary taboo. Time to take stock of 2016 in the media.
Summing up the year is a big challenge. It is impossible to write about everything that happened in the past 12 months. Below are a few, in our opinion, of the most important phenomena/events of 2016 that are worth paying attention to.
Users rely on video messages
The forms of media communication are decided by the users, who have a demand for new forms of communication. As we can see, they are betting on video messages. The most popular are materials recorded in real time. The growing popularity of Snapchat is a case in point, as is the introduction of Facebook's live streaming capability. Following in this footsteps, Instagram has also introduced a new communication tool, Stories, through which users, like on Snapchat, can post short reports and photos.
The dominance of video messages is also evidenced by the increasingly popular 360-degree messages, which allow users to be 'transported' into the very centre of events, seeing the message from every perspective. Facebook and Youtube already allow content recorded in this format to be played. Video is also becoming increasingly popular among brands, which are outdoing themselves in developing creative messages. The popularity of this form of communication is also underpinned by the fact that the video content made available is adapted to users' needs. This is done, among other things, by adding subtitles so that there is no need for audio. This is a tribute to users who watch videos on the road or at work 😉 😉 .
Influencer marketing - who audiences follow
2016 was full of interesting campaigns and social actions in which popular internet creators - bloggers and vloggers - were involved. Among the most popular campaigns in which they took part, it is worth mentioning the campaigns: 'Legends of Poland' (Allegro), 'Vikings of the Internet' (Mobile Vikings), 'HCV I am Aware' (National Institute of Health - PZH). In all of these cases, the campaigns appealed to the tastes of their audiences and, thanks to the involvement of popular people, their message was made even more credible.
According to predictions published on, although influencer marketing has already played a big role this year, it is only 2017 that will be a breakthrough in this regard.
PR agency reveals salaries
The end of the year is often a time of great surprises. The MSLGroup agency decided to break the silence on salaries in public relations, which caused quite a surprise in the industry. This step, although courageous, in the opinion of many experts had a positive impact on the company's image. The agency presented salary ranges for individual positions. Thanks to this, we were able to find out that people working in the positions of: Junior Account Executive - Account Executive - Senior Account Executive earn PLN 3100-5875; Junior Advistor -Advistor - Project Manager - Senior Advistor can expect earnings in the range of PLN 5800-15000; in turn, the salary of Junior Account Manager - Account Manager - Senior Account Manager - Account Director is PLN 5800-14300. The agency explained that this step was a response not only to the needs of employees, but also of clients. Importantly, the company also committed to communicating the proposed salary in recruitment advertisements. Whatever the motives, this step was a big surprise for those concerned and good news for employees, who will find it easier to negotiate increases.
Media communication is constantly changing and adapting to the needs of the audience. 2016 was a year marked by video messages, which gained particular popularity on social media. Well... Video is the king!!! 😉
Text author: Ola