Investor relations is all about transparent communication

Business success, Business meeting handshake to partnerships. vintage effect.

In investor relations, particular emphasis is placed on transparent, consistent and regular communication focused on relevant information from the perspective of the company's business environment. In an era of widespread digitalisation in this field, the communication channels we use and the modern, engaging forms of communication are also gaining in importance. Although, against the background of the entire field of public relations, investor relations (IR) is an issue... Continue reading Relacje inwestorskie to przede wszystkim transparentna komunikacja

Communication of a crowdfunding campaign, i.e. find your investor in the crowd

At the beginning of July this year, the crowdfunding campaign of Mazurska Manufaktura Alkoholi came to an end. The company, which is not widely known on the market, obtained funding of PLN 2.54 million from its new shareholders, thus ranking 6th in the history of equity crowdfunding collections (finding itself among such well-known brands as Wisła Kraków, PINTA and Doctor Brew). Magda Gessler became the ambassador of the campaign.... Continue reading Komunikacja akcji crowdfundingowej, czyli znajdź w tłumie swojego inwestora